ASOM: Alliance for Solar Mobility

Looking back at

🗓 March 01, 2022    –   📖 6 min

2021 has been an exciting year for ASOM, we saw a lot of new companies joining (11 in total), were able to reconnect in person and had a lot of individual achievements in all our working groups.

"Establishing a strong community among the ViPV industry was one of our main motives behind ASOM and thats why it was great to see so many new companies and organizations joining ASOM in 2021. With a packed agenda, old and new members on board and promising projects ahead, we are excited to see what 2022 holds for the solar mobility industry."
Dr. Bonna Newman
Chairwoman ASOM

One of our highlights in 2021 was to further establish our working groups with regular meetings and a common focus. On a monthly basis they meet up and discuss projects, results and ideas. The working groups are open for all members to join voluntarily.

Updates from the working groups

In January ASOM hosted its annual kick off. Each working group presented last years’ achievements and new members were invited to present themselves. With 25 attendees joining the virtual kick off it was great to see old and new faces all together.

ASOM Kickoff in January 2022


The research group was creating valuable connections with different partners, companies and institutions. The IEA (International Energy Agency) PV Power Systems Task 17 on PV and Transport reached out to ASOM to comment on the report State-of-the-Art and Expected Benefits of PV-Powered Vehicles. The group also identified some key shared research topics in the Alliance like cost calculations, circularity, ROHS compliance and a roadmap to improve efficiency. In addition, new opportunities for funded research and projects are collected in order to assist consortia creation and connect ASOM partners for research projects.  

Governmental Affairs

One of the main highlights for the Governmental Affairs group was the ASOM event in Brussels. The world of solar mobility is growing quickly and it clearly showed how important it is to educate the public and politics about it.

Furthermore, the Dutch government has implemented ASOM’s Solar-Electric Vehicle factor to calculate the efficiency of an SEV. Based on that, businesses that wish to purchase an SEV passenger car, can get 36% of the vehicle’s purchase price deducted from their taxable profit with a maximum of €100.000 of the purchase price.

ASOM Event in Brussels


The Marketing group was responsible for organizing and hosting the first physical ASOM event, during the European Mobility week in Brussels. It was not just a great possibility for lobbying on a political level but also to connect in person with many ASOM members.

ASOM Partner Event
ASOM at Intersolar

The group is also seeing a growing interest from the media, resulting in more and more coverage. One highlight, where many ASOM members were featured, was an article and video in the Wall Street Journal.

Apart from that, the ASOM social channels are growing rapidly. The Linkedin channel grew to over 1.000 followers, quickly becoming ASOMs most important channel.

New Partners 2021

In short: We had a great time last year, are super excited that our community is growing and look forward to this year and the individual successes as well as our common activities. 

If you want to be updated about partners and news from the working groups, subscribe to our newsletter below and follow us on social media channels – LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube.